You know the situation: a hectic workday, long meetings, numerous business trips, constant work in front of the computer screen - and little time to think about a health-conscious diet.
Stress in everyday work and unhealthy eating habits are often reasons for an imbalanced metabolism and thus for overweight and illness. In addition, a health-conscious diet is the key to success. It increases your performance and gives you long-term energy and vitality.
What is your wellbeing action plan? And how can it be efficiently integrated into a hectic everyday professional life?
If you are a commuters or often on business trips - you are frequently "on the road" - for hours in your car or public transportation. Eating healthy despite the stress of constant travel is a challenge. The solution are lunch boxes. This makes it easy to take prepared complete meals with you.
Often there is not enough time for a relaxed meal, and the offers on the road are overpriced and unbalanced. Therefore we may quickly slip back into old behavior habits, eat to fast and mindlessly grab some fatty fast food. A nicer alternative: prepare some fresh and balanced food for your travels! Get a new beautiful lunch box or bag.
In Japan the bento box has a long tradition. Already 1,000 years ago bamboo tubes served warriors, field workers and fishermen as lunch boxes. Even today, the practical and elegant bento boxes are used by students and business people alike, so they can enjoy full healthy meals on the go.
When you are constantly stressed, everything is over your head and there is no solution in sight. In the long run, the excessive demands can make you sick. What happens in the body? And what are typical warning signs?
Feeling over-strained, over-activated, restlessness, hectic or feeling threatened. Chronic stress has the organism on constant alert. An exhausting and in the long run also health-threatening condition.
The fact that stress can make you sick is now proven. When we are constantly under stress, many systems of the body are running at full speed (e.g. heart and circulation, hormone and nervous system), while others are shutting down (intestinal function). This is caused by the many stress hormones that reach the organs via the bloodstream.
Stressed people often suffer from:
Therefore, it is important to perceive stress symptoms as warning signs.
Is there anyone you know finding themselves "eating everything in the house" by noon?
Could it be that we are eating our feelings: Stress, Boredom, Anger, Anxiety and more?
We call it Emotional Eating !
Watch this short video to check out some valuable tips to help all of us through these turbulent times.
Unbalancing stress starts in the head. Why do you contribute to it - and what helps? With selective relaxation techniques you can bring balance and satisfaction back into your life.
Eliminating stress from your life is not the solution. There is also positive stress, where you - appropriately - react to threats and performance demands. The difference is that you then return to a calmer level. How high your level of negative stress depends largely on how you judge the situation and your strategies to cope with it. Stress is the result of your mental evaluation.
Once you are aware of how much of your stress level is caused by yourself, you can actively influence and change something positive.
Even short breaks can have a relaxing effect, e.g. walking, making music, dozing or reading, and (endurance) exercise. It is only important that you do not perceive the leisure activity as a "task" that needs to be done. Especially when we are presently running in over-strain mode, we tend to make everything else in our daily lives a stressor as well. Therefore, selective relaxation techniques are so recommendable. Following we introduce some of them to you.
Relaxation techniques have a targeted effect and are easy to apply. Step by step they help to reduce inner restlessness, tension or anxiety and consciously create relaxation.
Mindfulness Exercises: you are mindful when you are aware of all things in and around you in a value-free way. This increases your ability to consciously distance yourself from demands, e.g. politely saying "no" or postponing a task to another time. Mindfulness leads to more self-determination in life and thus, to less stress and feelings of helplessness. A recognized method is, for example, Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR), which was developed by the American molecular biologist Jon Kabat-Zinn. Although it is derived from Buddhism, it is detached from faith. For example, the focus is on breathing and on individual associated muscle movements, such as lifting and lowering the abdominal wall. Meditation as well helps you to become more mindful in everyday life.
Autogenic Training: in autogenic training, you relax your psyche and thus automatically your body. An instructor, a recording or you recite formulas and sentences that suggest certain sensations.
For example: "My right arm is heavy," or "My right arm is pleasantly warm". This is how you go step by step through your whole body.
With regular practice, the suggestions reach the unconscious, are converted into nerve impulses of the vegetative nervous system and influence bodily functions such as heartbeat, breathing, intestinal activity, blood flow to muscles and skin and the body's heat balance.
Progressive Muscle Relaxation: this method first relaxes the body and then the psyche. You go step by step through your body and specifically tense individual muscle areas, hold the tension for a few seconds, then let go with the exhalation, and then let the relaxation take effect for up to 60 seconds.
There are many other relaxation methods, for example:
Find out what suits you best - and then build an exercise into your daily routine.
Fast food in front of the screen tend to be a given during hectic workdays, leaving healthy meals and healthy eating habits on the sidelines. What alternatives are there? Fortunately, some! Here are some suggestions and ideas.
Who is not familiar with it? Reading the newspaper at breakfast, eating a quick snack while walking, or rushing to eat lunch in front of the screen - sometimes there is simply not enough time in everyday life for a healthy, conscious meal.
In the long run, however, such habits can be harmful. Scientists have shown that eating, exercise and stress behavior influence each other. How we eat and what we eat therefore has a major impact on the level of stress in our bodies. That is why we should get into the habit of healthy eating habits.
When things have to be done quickly, we often resort to foods rich in sugar and fat, such as fast food, sandwiches or processed foods. Fatal, because at the same time we have an increased need for vital substances such as vitamins and minerals due to stress. This demand remains unsatisfied by unhealthy eating habits. That is why it is especially important at work to supply the body with healthy food that is rich in vitamins and minerals.
You will quickly notice what a difference healthy nutrition makes in your everyday work life - experience it!
Quality of life and performance are closely related. If everyday demands drain so much of our energy that beautiful activities are no longer fun, we should urgently change something. How can we succeed?
Many people think that they need to "function" even faster and more effectively to optimize performance. However, we have a different understanding of this. For us, being efficient means using one's own energy resources in a healthy way for daily tasks. If, on the other hand, you pressure yourself and ignore your needs, this will only lead to negative stress, excessive demands and in the worst case to burnout. Healthy performance can be achieved - above all - through beautiful things: relaxation, exercise and a healthy diet.
Create islands of peace - sometimes just five minutes of conscious unclasping are enough to regain consciousness in a hectic everyday life. Build these oases firmly into the structure of your lifestyle, e.g., as meditation or journeys of the mind, as a short nap or walk in nature. If you have an hour or more time, specific methods for stress management such as progressive muscle relaxation or autogenic training are useful.
Exercise in the fresh air - with the combination of exercise and oxygen you can recharge. Easy endurance exercises are ideal. A daily walk in the fresh air provides a balance to work and mental stress. Notice how your mood is improving? Notice that the more regularly you exercise outside, the less exhausted you feel. Suggestion, enjoy a walk in the morning and start the day immediately in a cheerful mood!
Eat a healthy diet - the right diet is the basis for health and performance, because it directly affects our brain, our ability to think and our ability to concentrate. Maintaining moderation can particularly promote mental fitness. In the Japanese region of Okinawa, for example, there are more centenarians than anywhere else in the world. In addition to their healthy diet, they have a golden rule of nutrition: "Eat only so much that your stomach is filled to 80 percent! The conclusion is, if you eat consciously and don't constantly overeat - life will reward you with more vitality and vigor up to an advanced age.
Leading a life in balance ensures satisfaction in both professional and private life. The implementation is not that difficult! We support you with tips and practical exercises. Give it a try.
We are more than just our work. Yet our job provides us with a lot. Some people realize talents and visions through their job. Many draw self-worth from their work. And of course, the job secures our existence, because we earn the money for living.
But, making work the absolute center of attention can lead into the stress and burnout trap. That's why a healthy balance between work and private life is the ultimate art - even if your employer does not offer benefits such as flexible working time models, childcare and health-oriented programs.
Step by step - take control of your work-life balance
You can achieve work-life balance in small steps and with healthy routines. Physical exercises are a great way to bring you back into balance - in the middle of everyday life. Here are our exercises for inner and outer balance.
In an outwardly balanced, straightened body, your inner balance is more easily restored. Even with the simplest exercises you can achieve a better sense of balance. The best thing about it, these exercises work without aids and almost everywhere.
The perfect exercise for anywhere when you wait in line! Use the waiting time for a short exercise. Repeat the exercise as often as you like.
This exercise makes you flexible and relaxed, promotes good posture and concentration. It is best to practice in the morning and / or evening.
Stress, over-straining or under-straining - many people experience their work as unsatisfactory. Of course, there is no such thing as the perfect job. But when we feel increasingly burnt out and stressed, it is time for the decisive question: Do we (still) have the right job?
Have you experienced this? We do certain things that fill us up inside. We are motivated because we are doing something valuable. We are good at it, and it gives us a sense of satisfaction. And the amazing thing is, we feel no effort. On the contrary, we develop the strongest inner forces, creativity and commitment. That is our vocation. On the other hand, we feel completely different when we don't really feel like doing a certain task. Even if we push ourselves with sentences like "Pull yourself together" or "Everyone has to get through this" - in the end we feel exhausted and empty.
As people with thoughts and senses, we want to unfold and be creative. Ideally, we can use our personality with all our talents and abilities in our career. But for many this is out of reach. Restrictions in other areas of life could also be associated with it. For example, if you decide to become a self-employed professional, you may have to accept financial instability. If you decide to take your dream job abroad, you will have to leave your familiar environment behind.
The good news is that you don't have to turn your life upside down to approach the sensation of a "vocation".